Hospital rules and regulations

  • Any reproduction or sharing of the site's content with others is unethical and illegal.
  • All rights of this site belong to Musabn-e-Jafar (AS) Charity Hospital, Mashhad.
  • Musa bin Jafar (AS) Charity Hospital, Mashhad has no branches or representatives within Iran.
  • The announced fee for each surgery is provisional and may vary at the time of admission depending on the time and consumable goods used during the surgery.
  • The announced fee for a visit is in accordance with the tariff announced by the Ministry of Health and Medical Education of the country.
  • Any payments related to public donations are collected in the public donations account of  Musabn-e-Jafar(AS) Charity Hospital and are used for charitable purposes and needy patients.
  • The use and distribution of articles and videos from this site are permitted with proper citation.